IFAIMA Press release

IFAIMA Press release

IFAIMA is very concerned with the latest developments that have been brought to our attention on the situation in Poland and Albania.

Regardless of the differences between the two situations, both have an impact on the well-being of workers. They may have implications for the work performed, affecting the safety of air navigation and aviation in general.

We would like to remind you that states are responsible for ensuring safety in their airspace, therefore they must be attentive to what is happening and ensure that everything returns to normal as soon as possible in order to guarantee proper conditions for all air navigation professionals. ATCOs are the most targeted and covered by media, but all other professionals in air navigation are also affected.

The pandemic may not be used as an excuse for many of the actions that have been carried out in some ANSPs. Respective states must guarantee the best conditions for the stability of the staff in order to be able to provide their work and thus guarantee safety.

Dialogue and common sense must prevail, working conditions of the staff must be guaranteed by the states in order not to cause increased stress and consequential degradation of services.

We urge all the institutions responsible for safety aviation (European Commission, EASA, Eurocontrol and CANSO) to help bring the situation back to normal again.

IFAIMA supports all the other PSOs; ATCEUC, ETF, IFATCA and IFATSEA in their initiatives to help and protect all affected in this situation.

We will keep monitoring the situationin Albania and especially in Poland where members of IFAIMA need all our support.

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