
Whereas, AIM (Aeronautical Information Management, Aeronautical Communications and Flight Data Processing) promotes and maintains a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic throughout the world;

Whereas, the objects, functions and problems of this essential service to aviation are of similar nature in all countries irrespective of national boundaries;

Whereas, this objects, functions and problems can be mastered only by the common effort of all nations, which should be based on close international co-operation and on a continuous exchange of ideas and experiences;

Now therefore, it is indispensable that AIM personnel of all nations be united in a worldwide professional federation for the furtherance of safe and efficient air navigation and for the protection of their common professional interests.

Who are we ?

COM (AFTN, Aeronautical Radio Station – HF/VHF Freq.) staff.
FDP staff.

The objects of IFAIMA are and shall be:

(a) To operate as a non-partisan, non-profit-making Federation of AIM Associations;

(b) To promote safety, efficiency and regularity in International Air Navigation;

(c) To assist and advise in the development of AIM, in order to maintain the safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic;

(d) To uphold a high standard of knowledge and professional efficiency amongst AIM personnel;

(e) To protect and safeguard the collective professional interests of AIM personnel;

(f) To make mutual benefit affiliations with other professional organisations;

(g) To strive for a worldwide Federation of AIM Associations.

In order to follow these objects, IFAIMA will:

(h) Closely co-operate with national and international Aviation Authorities and other Institutions or persons concerned with Air Navigation;

(i) Set up Committees for studying new techniques and facilities necessary and useful for the safety of International Air Navigation;

(j) Collect and distribute information on professional problems and developments;

(k) Levy affiliation fees, annual subscriptions and charges upon its member Associations to provide the funds for an effective management of IFAIMA activities;

(l) Issue an official journal and other publications for the purpose of promulgating and advancing matters of AIM;

(m) Sponsor and support the passage of legislation and regulations which will increase and protect the safety of air navigation through the improvement of working conditions of AIM personnel;

(n) Endeavour to carry out the work of IFAIMA in the official language of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).